Monday, November 26, 2007

Just to rub it in a bit more...

How good is this? Two posts in two days! Be impressed (but don't expect this kind of craziness too much in the future). Just wanted to share a few photos with you. Unfortunately, I didn't take these, but they do give a bit of an indication of my recent diving experience, the greatness of which I extolled in my post yesterday.

I think this one's a batfish. There were lots of them around.

As I mentioned, lots of fish.

And lots of coral.

And lots of these cool "Christmas Trees" that instantly disappear back into the rock when you get too close to them.

This is a great shot of a sea urchin. There were lots of them around as well.

I love the way the light reflects off my head in that last one. Well, that's all I've got for now. Cheers.

1 comment:

currently in sunny downtown sydney by the sea said...

you're such an attractive man.

too bad you've got such a terrible life.

beastly fellow.

i'm going to give up my rss feed now.

i keep reading your blog over dinner and feeling distinctly sick.

you bugger.