While I admit that I have sold out a bit on my socialist ideals by having a mortgage and indulging in more than my fair share of international travel, I do like to think I still have some instinct for social justice. So, in case any of you are concerned that living my high life of massages, eating out and beach escapes here in Bangkok has turned me into a completely selfish and uncaring sod, allow me to dispel your fears. Last weekend I gave up my normal opportunity to relax, hang out in swanky bars and restaurants and enjoy a massage. Instead, I chose to practice a bit of altruism and share some good will with some of the poorer people in rural Thailand.
The school sponsors a large number of children and young people in a group of villages in north-east Thailand, which is generally considered to be the least advantaged part of the country. So, most of the classes in the secondary school, as well as a bunch of individual staff members, each financially sponsor a child in order to help them pay for their education. Each year, a group from the school go up to visit the area to take up a load of donated clothes and toys for one of the local villages. So, I volunteered to go along this year. Apart from the 6-hour bus ride each way, it was a really interesting experience. The whole program is organised by a local writer named Pira who lives in Napo (the main village in that area), who grew up there and knows the area quite well. This part of Thailand is certainly very different to Bangkok and the people live quite simple lives (although I must say, compared with what I saw on Palawan in the Philippines a few weeks ago, these people have it relatively good – not to say they aren’t struggling and are very deserving of assistance though).
We arrived on Saturday afternoon at which point we had to sort through the one and a half mini-buses full of donations we had taken up with us. There were 11 of us altogether (7 students and 4 staff). After a tasty dinner at a local “restaurant”, which was a very local affair consisting of some plastic tables and chairs under a bamboo shelter and no menu (in fact Pira had to supply many of the ingredients for them to cook with), we returned to our accommodation for the night. Now, Napo is not exactly on the Thai tourist trail, so they don’t actually have any hotels that target tourists, so the only option for us was to stay in the local “love motel”. It was in a fairly isolated spot about 3 kms outside the village and featured a full range of amenities, including a full-wall mirror next to the bed, the option of red “mood lighting” in the room (very alluring), complimentary breath mints and condoms with your towel, a tarpaulin to hang across the car space so your car won't be recognised, and the option of having the room for 3 hours (180 baht) or overnight (350 baht). Needless to say, the students in particular were amused by this. I did feel a little bit guilty because we actually took up all 6 rooms in the hotel, meaning that the several cars that turned up during the evening looking for a bit of “privacy”, had to be turned away. I felt slightly better when I was told that there is one other such hotel on the other side of town they could go to.
The next day we went to one of the very small villages not too far from Napo. A lot of the village had already gathered in the temple grounds in preparation for our arrival. We had a lot of stuff to hand out and it started out quite orderly, with everyone sitting in 2 lines and we all walked along handing out items as appropriate.
However, it didn’t take too long before things started to get a little bit less orderly. In the end we just had a crowd of people around us and we just had to hand things out the best we could. By and large, everyone was very polite and appreciative, and it was really nice to see the gratitude in their faces.
After we finished handing everything out we drove around to several other nearby villages to visit some of the students that the school sponsors, to see how they are doing and give them a small gift each. This was also very nice and it was interesting seeing the variety of living conditions in which these people lived. Pira told us some of their stories as well, some of which were very sad. There were several orphans who had to rely on extended family to raise them, and there was one boy who as a baby was left outside Pira’s front door in a box. He is now about 8 and has been raised by Pira’s sister-in-law. All in all, it was a very worthwhile experience and a sober contrast to the very wealthy environment where I work in school.
Speaking of which, my work is going well. The first week back this term was very quiet for me – students just settling back in I guess – and then this week I was extremely busy. But fortunately, it’s now the weekend! I’m going out with some friends tonight then tomorrow I’m helping out with a cricket match at school. This is the first proper match of the year so I will be interested to see how the team goes. Out again tomorrow night, then I think a bit of relaxing on Sunday.
The other thing I’ll quickly mention is that I had to go to the hospital last week (which is significant, as this was the first time in my life I have had to go to hospital). I was playing soccer with some of the other staff when I managed to rather severely pull a muscle in my left calf. I hobbled home, not thinking much of it, but after laying down for half an hour, suddenly discovered I couldn’t walk. With the help of my good friend Owen, I managed to get to hospital, where the very helpful doctor asked me what happened, prodded at my calf a bit (while I was trying not to scream too much) and then very reassuringly informed me that he thinks I have muscle damage. After this startling revelation he even more confidently informed me that I didn’t have any broken bones. My relief was overwhelming. And then in true Thai medical style, I got given 5 different medications and told to rest. I was barely able to walk the next day, but it did improved a bit after that. Unfortunately it’s still quite painful at times and my foot is now a very pleasant shade of purple and yellow, but at least I can get around without too much trouble.
So that’s about all my news for now. Apologies if you read the title of this post and are now disappointed. Have a great weekend. Cheers.